Sunday 18 December 2011

let's do lunch

it's about 6 months I didn't eat MacD
since I meet my x-roomate in Terengganu this year
and she share her experienced in what happen in their family
she noticed that ..maybe .. i don't know..
most of the cancer (dok mcm2 cancer la skang ni..)caused by the fast food and junk food la..
actually its hapeen due to ur eating habit..
termasuklah this macD...
i'm still remember ayat anis,
"klu aku bole tahan dari mkn macD, kfc, pizza etc,.. aku x kan mkn. kecuali lah klu kita dah kempunan sgt".
aku ; "tercenggang.."

tgk gambr memang la terliur.. aku br tahan 6 bulan je...

love this curly french fries.. 
da mcm rambut adik la...

spicy2xxxx chicken... its look good, delicious...
the chicken is not too small
huhu... ni k.chay punye

yuum.. forgot abut ur diet program..
huhu.. bukan aku yg bdiet ye..
burger ni aku punyer..

ayak kuning ni je aku x brape berkenan..x bole nak masuk tekak aku air2 gas ni..

my lunch today.. sponsored by pn wahyu..
 tq ye kak...
let's go eat......


  1. Salam makcik sufiah...huhu.x sgka ada blog gak erk..anyway nice entry ;).enjoy bila baca...honestly bgtau ni. ok berbalik pd topic mcd prosperity ni..memg cdp yg amat tp depend tmpt la..ari2 beli kat mcd bandar u, parit raja..mak oi,x sedap....

  2. parit raja dah ade macD ke. huhu... nampak sgt ktorg lame x blk kg ye... minta ampun ye ibu mertua ku. huhu... habis final exam ktorg blk kg ye..

  3. betul tau makcik sufiah..parit raja dah thru lagi.betul-betul tepi jln besar (tmn universiti)..nanti blk singgah la situ.anyway thanks 4ur comment...heheh
